Monday, July 19, 2010

Locally Grown Veggies Delivered to Your Home!

Mon Ami Farms' Delivery Menu
Week of July 19, 2010

Cherry Tomatoes $4/pint

Bella Rosa Tomatoes $3/lb

Heirloom Tomatoes $4/lb

Banana Peppers - 4 for $1

Green Bell Peppers - 1.50 each

Jalapeno Peppers - 4 for $1
Eggplant $3/lb

Okra $3/lb

Squash $3/lb

Snapbean $3/lb

Canteloupe $3 each

Chilton County Peaches $12/basket

Here is a recipe I found that uses a lot of the items that we have available this week. Enjoy!!!

To place your delivery order please email Monami Farms at or contact John 205.422.8970. Thank you and look forward to bringing you the freshest produce in Birmingham.

1 comment:

  1. I would like to say that you really made my day, it's wonderful when you just look around the web
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