Monday, May 4, 2009

Tomatoes and Tornadoes!!

Rufus Tufus spends the day trying out for the open guard dog position at Monami Farms. He is seen here keeping a keen eye on one of the heirloom tomato plants in Birmingham, Alabama.

We planted Black Krim, Pantano Romanesco, and Green Zebra tomato transplants, a couple of varieties of eggplant, and a large assortment of sweet and hot peppers. The herb garden was also finally finished since we were able to locate some nice transplants. Currently, on guard searching for the culprit that ate the leaves off a few pole beans and one of our eggplants.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

A Seed Is Sown

(From six o'clock working clockwise) Arugula, red bordeaux spinach, mustard greens, american spinach, thinnings from beet beds, and monnopa spinach(center) grown at one of Monami Farms operations in Falkville, AL.

Monami Farms is in the process of harvesting their first crop so that we can provide fresh, organic, and local produce to our community. We are excited to join the farming community and are enthusiastic about providing fresh fruits and vegetables to the farmer's market this summer. Stay tuned to the blog for updates regarding our appearances at the local farmer's markets in Alabama.